inkwell design

design delivered.

product design
product development
3d configurators
3D configurators
cad design automation
design automation


We're a design company that helps manufacturing businesses streamline their CAD processes.
Inkwell makes your work easier through design automation.

By leveraging advanced CAD technologies, artificial intelligence, and parametric modelling, we enable manufacturers to automate repetitive and time consuming tasks, freeing up valuable resources and accelerating production cycles.
manufacturing engineering cad

what we do.


design automation

Using Autodesk Inventor's iLogic and Solidworks, we can streamline your business' repetitive design tasks, saving you time and money.

see example >


3D configurators

We create product configurators for customers and sales teams to configure, price and order your products online.

see example >


3D configurators

We create online ETO product configurators for your customers and sales teams to build, quote and order.

see example >


Product Design

Covering all aspects of product development, including 3D modelling, renders, engineering drawings and design for manufacture.


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